Tuesday, October 1, 2013

one step forward two steps back

Good days are often hard for me.  I know that sounds like a contradiction, but on good days I'm feeling well enough to not only want to do things, but actually be able to do some things.  The part that is hard is my motivation is limited by my disabilities.

Saturday I had a great day!  I went with Jenna to get her senior pictures done.  I went apple picking with family and friends.  My husband got a workout pushing me around in a wheel chair through the rough terrain of the orchard.  He was a champ!  I really wanted to do the corn maze but by the time we were done with apple picking I could feel that twinge in my stomach that told me the extreme fatigue was setting in.  Not only that, but there was no way the borrowed wheel chair would be able to make it through the corn maze anyway.  Don't worry, I was super happy with what I was able to do!  It was a lot!

Sunday was a tired day for me.  I spent it resting.  My usual consequence for a busy day.  I knew I had to plan on resting all day and accepted that.

Monday was another good day!  I got some things done around the house, did some bookkeeping and other business tasks, and even went shopping at goodwill!  (I love bargain hunting.  I got a bunch of clothes with the price tags still on!).  I was a little disappointed I didn't have any energy left to get to a second store but I guess fatigue helped me not spend to much money.  I had such a great day Monday, and I felt I hadn't over done it.  I took a nap and paced myself.   I was looking forward to today and getting more done.

And here it is Tuesday and I am exhausted.  I don't know why.  I don't feel like I did to much yesterday.  It is just a reminder to me that I am sick.  I guess that when I'm feeling good I am still pushing to hard.  Maybe I shouldn't have cleaned out a closet yesterday.

The good news is the numbness in my foot seems to be improving and I am finding my arms don't spasm as often.  Those improvements are consistent and I attribute to the Galaxy I always plug.  I plug the Galaxy Blend because I truly believe it is the best on the market and I attribute that along with my emitter and energy cup as the reason I don't need pain medicine anymore.

As much as I wish I could completely cure myself on my JUUVA products alone, I know the reality is I need medical help.  I have gone the route of traditional doctors who follow strict CDC guidelines, out of ignorance, or out of fear.  I have accepted the fact that a Lyme Literate Doctor is my best answer.  Most Lyme Literate Doctor's don't accept insurance.  I am going to be paying out of pocket for a lot.

I am going to be very blunt and honest now.

I am on temporary disability for six months.  My pay has been cut by $800 a month.

I am traveling to one of the best Lyme Literate Practitioners on the east coast.  I believe I have had Lyme for 20 years.  I remember when I first got sick at the age of 17.  I believe I now have neurological lyme.  I am taking this very seriously and I want the most knowledgeable practitioners treating me.  I have a martial arts school to run, students to mentor, a community to serve.  I need to get back to martial arts and will accept no less.

My first appointment is $750.  My second appointment is $500.  I will then have monthly appointments for $250. Thankfully I will be able to do these monthly appointments as a phone call.  The blood tests I will be seeking will cost out of pocket $1000.  Some of this I will be able to get back through my insurance, but only some.  I am hoping I can get my insurance to cover long term treatment.  I'm hoping I can get back to work in six months so I don't LOSE my insurance!

I am so grateful for the meals, visits, and prayers.  Those gifts have been priceless.

I am going to ask for one more thing.  Some of you may want to help but don't have time.  If God lays it on your heart to contribute financially to my medical costs then click on the link.  My friends have set up an online fundraiser to donate safely.  I will be setting up a saving account that I am using ONLY for medical bills.  http://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/hope-for-holly/82482

I hate asking for things.  I have promised some friends that when it comes to my financial needs I will be open and honest. So, there it is.  Right now Scott is running the school on his own with the help of a couple of volunteers. We want to keep the school running without changing things any more then we already have.  I want to be able to do the Ninja Recital again this year.  I want to offer all the services we have always offered through the school.

Honestly, prayers are my biggest request.  Yesterday I swear I could feel moments in the day where I was being covered by the prayers of others.  Thank you.  God will supply our needs.  I also don't want anyone doing anything that isn't laid on their hearts to do.  God gives us all different blessings to share.  No blessing is more helpful then another.  I pray God enables me to return to others everything he is giving me right now.http://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/hope-for-holly/82482

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