Sunday, October 27, 2013

diet is curing me

I am so excited to get to DC and my appointment with Ginger Savely.  Not only am I excited to finally work on a comprehensive diagnosis but I'm excited to discuss a plan for treatment.

What I am really interested in talking to Ginger about is my theory that I am improving due to the Galaxy Blend I have been taking.  I really believe I have been going through a version of the Herx reaction.  I am going through cycles of getting sick, but then after being sick feeling even more recovered.  I truly can feel the war going on in my body and it makes me realize that this high blast of nutrition is helping, but I have to do even more to win this battle going on inside of me.

I stopped eating gluten last year and did feel better for awhile before I started getting sick again.  I guess it's time to start paying even more attention to my diet.  I know it's time to cut out sugar and probably dairy..sigh, I love my sugar and dairy, but I love being healthy even more.

I think cutting out sugar will be my next step, while I slowly wean myself off the dairy.  I like almond milk so that will be an easy switch, cheese on the other hand....well, one thing at a time.

I remember a few years ago I did a presentation for school on the obesity epidemic in our country.  My main point of discussion is that it was to expensive to eat a healthy, nutritious diet.  Not only that, but eating healthy was also time consuming and we, as a nation, were to busy to eat healthy.

Instead of obesity, if I were to do a similar project today, I would discuss the crisis our country faces due to a population of individuals who are malnourished.  We eat a lot, but our bodies keep craving more because we are depriving ourselves of the essential nutrients we need to maintain optimum health.  Even when we try to eat healthy by buying more fresh fruits and vegetables, we don't realize that we are being deceived.  The fruits and vegetables in our produce section lack the nutrients we think we are paying for.  Spend more and buy organic?  Make sure you are paying attention to where the organic food is coming from.  How far has it traveled to get to your local store?  Was it actually ripe when it was harvested?  Or if it is frozen, dried or modified in some way, what temperature was it modified at?  It all makes a difference.

To difficult? To expensive?  To time consuming?  I use to think so.  I would see other people put effort into their diet but saw it all as to overwhelming to do myself.

Do you feel that way?

Let me tell you what I have learned.  It takes baby steps to change your perspective.

I started with going gluten free.  I did it to prove a point, but discovered I felt so much better.  I committed to three weeks, but after the three weeks were up I felt so good that I had the motivation to keep at it.  Now that I was eliminating something my body didn't need and replacing it with foods that better met my nutritional needs I found I was actually eating less.  In turn my grocery list was shorter evening out the costs of buying some food that was more expensive.

The next step was being introduced to products from JUUVA.  I was first impressed with the benefits of negative ions and the relief I was given from discomfort.  I had been headache free for months after cutting out gluten, but the pain was slowly returning.  When we decided to become distributors for JUUVA we decided to try all the products out one at a time.

It soon became time to try the Galaxy supplement.


Once we started taking it, stopping it was not an option for us.  We budgeted it in to our monthly grocery budget.

Funny thing, it seemed expensive at first, but in reality I believe we are saving money.

We are meeting nutritional needs our bodies were lacking.  In turn, we are finding we are craving food less, and not buying as much food as we use to.  Along with this, we are feeling so good our precious time is being used more productively allowing us to not only work more, making more money, but also we have the time to budget better.  I have become better able to organize, plan, prepare..little things, such as having the time to budget our monthly needs ahead of time, shop for the month, find the best deals, all of these things our saving us A LOT of money.  The cost of the Galaxy was easy to budget in simply because we are now feeling so good we can easily figure it out!  Feeling healthy is encouraging us to make healthier decisions.

As far as the Galaxy and Lyme Disease, Dr. Booth thinks it can help my body detox the lyme just like Galaxy helps fight cancer.  My brief research on line shows me that recommended lyme diets are similar to recommended cancer diets.  With this thought, if we have scientific proof of the effects of Galaxy on cancer then couldn't Galaxy work on lyme the same way?  (google "galaxy effects Dr. Gary Booth)  All I know is my body has been responding similarly to videos and testimonials I am watching and reading about the HERX reaction when starting antibiotics.

Yes, every time I blog here I talk about JUUVA.  This blog was originally started to discuss Juuva, Nutrition, Environment, and working from home.  As I am feeling better I will be returning to these topics.  I also have been neglecting my ELLSWORTHATA blog.  ( I have one drafted..stay tuned)

My heart has been in taekwondo, it is a perfect union to join that passion with my slowly growing passion for nutrition.  My Grammie Maddocks instilled the importance of nutrition and environment in me when I was a child.  I didn't fully understand it back then, but now it is all I think about!  God has given us everything we need to be healthy.  He created a perfect earth that we have slowly been destroying.  We are unable to fulfill our purpose in life if we are unhealthy, hurting, sick, and tired.   I do believe the healthcare system is important and has it's place.  I think we are missing the boat if we place medicine over nutrition.  The more we show these products to people, the more my heart is heavy for all of you who are suffering physically.

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