Thursday, September 26, 2013

I want to run

I use to be a runner.
A really good runner!

Every fall, I catch that smell and crispness in the air that signals a change of seasons and I want to put my sneakers on and start running.  I think fall signals for me a desire to run because I fell in love with the sport due to cross country in middle school.  Not only did I love running, but I was good at it!  It wasn't that I was the fastest runner in the bunch, but I was probably one of the most competitive.  I would push myself to the point of collapsing just to finish at the top of the pack.  I enjoyed the control I had over my body and the endurance I had giving me the ability to push through pain.  Talk about an adrenalin rush after a race!  It was my own personal high.

I miss running.

I stopped running in my late teens.  My knees really bothered me.  I went to the doctor and was told it was arthritis, or I had fluid under my knee cap, or I damaged them from running so much while I was still growing. Whatever the cause of the knee pain, it stopped me in my tracks putting an end to the sport I loved the most.

I think part of the reason I fell in love with taekwondo was because it replaced running.  I had a natural ability to control my body movements, and taekwondo allowed me the control in determining how well I did.  I also was able to push myself in sparring needing to tap into the endurance I had in order to do well.  My knees bothered me in some ways but this sport didn't have the high impact that running did.

I still missed running.

In my early thirties my joint pain located itself in my wrists and fingers.  Before I knew it I had joint pain in my elbows and neck as well.  I resigned myself to the pain figuring it was my lot in life.

I then was introduced to the JUUVA products.  I was told the Galaxy blend would help with joint pain.  I didn't try this blend right away as I was more interested in other products. My husband tried it first and began raving about how good felt.  I finally decided to give it a try, and at first I didn't think I noticed much of a difference.  A few weeks went by, and it suddenly hit me, I had no joint pain.  I was in the kitchen cooking and I remembered how earlier in the day I had been doing lunges with our taekwondo class.  It hit me, I had felt no pain while doing them.  I tested my knees out by doing squats at the stove, I then did squat jumps, NO PAIN!

A few weeks after that I approached a couple at church who were in to running and told them I was interested in getting back to the sport I loved.  I just was waiting for some test results to come back regarding what I thought at the time was a pinched nerve in my neck.

Unfortunately, I never got back into running this summer.  The good news is I still am not suffering from joint pain.  The bad news is these neurological symptoms are even worse.  It is almost like I had fixed one system and what ever was wrong traveled to another body system.  Maybe you lyme literate readers could shed some light on this.  My research shows me how tricky that little lyme bug is.  I'm calling it the ninja disease because of how sneaky and well hidden it can be.

Anyway, this fall I will have to enjoy the fall weather from my window.  I am looking forward to spending time with family and friends Saturday apple picking.  I wonder if a wheel chair can make it through the corn maze?

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