Saturday, October 5, 2013

Nutrition has been the biggest help so far

One of the first things I learned on my journey down the road away from traditional health care is the concept of detoxification.  What I mean is that often when you begin a regimen of something good for you your body feels worse before it feels better. Now I am going to give you my perceptions of this, please note that I don't pretend to be an expert in this area, but I can give you my simplistic comparisons.   It's like our bodies can only hold a finite amount of "stuff" and we are constantly balancing the "good stuff" and the "bad stuff".  So, if we change the ratios of what we are putting in then there needs to be a change in the ratio our body is holding.  If we start putting more of something good in our body, our bodies natural response is to push out some of the bad it's holding.

An example of this is when I started drinking naturally ionized, alkaline water.  I was warned to start out slow to allow my body to get use to it.  Being an all or nothing kinda person I didn't follow this advice and started drinking nothing but water run through my Energy Cup.  The result was feeling dizzy and spending a large amount of time in the bathroom.  This was due to my body detoxing.  

Where am I going with this?  I'm not sure!  I have two or three ideas in my head I want to communicate!  Let me focus on nutrition and a thought I'm pondering  in regards to WHY  this is all happening to me this summer.  I ran this idea past my doctor yesterday and she agreed my idea did make sense.

It is like there is a war going on in my body.  If I have lyme then that, of course, is obvious.  Where I don't have that diagnosis yet, I won't write as if I do.  I will just call it a war with an unknown enemy.  When I started taking the Galaxy Blend I experienced a dramatic relief from arthritis symptoms in my knees, wrists and fingers.  The funny thing is that soon after that I also began to experience the neurological symptoms increasing.  I AM NOT saying I think the Galaxy is causing this, but I am wondering if the Galaxy triggered something in my body, that was laying dormant, into fight mode.  The "enemy" relocated to another system in my body.  So, with this idea in my head I chose to start taking a second dose of Galaxy every day.  I am not only feeling better with my energy levels, endurance, and over all sense of well being, but I am seeing a REDUCTION in neurological symptoms!  It seems slow, but steadily, I'm improving!!!!!  

I ran this by my primary care physician and once I showed her the ingredients to the Galaxy she quickly agreed that my "theory" was very plausible. My doctor has an interest in nutrition and homeopathic medicine.  She was very opinionated that my course of action in regards to how I am dealing with this illness is the correct one. Don't worry, I still plan on visiting a lyme literate doctor for diagnosis and treatment.  My hope is that with what I'm doing already, my antibiotic treatment will be more successful.  

My husband talked to Dr. Gary Booth from BYU a few weeks ago.  Dr. Booth is studying the Galaxy in regards to cancer.  Dr. Booth confirmed our opinion that the Galaxy is one of the best weapons we have in our arsenal no matter what we are waging war on.  Our body is able to wage war if we give it the strength to do so.

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