Saturday, November 16, 2013

Lyme focal seizure

I don't know if the term "Lyme Seizure" is even an official term.  My brief research on Dr. Google tells me that the type of seizure's Lyme patients have are actually Focal Seizures.  These seizures can take many forms, but the one common denominator is that the patient is conscious during the episode.

I'm talking about seizures because that has been my life for the past few days.  As annoying as they are getting to be, it's a very distinct sign that neurological lyme is what I'm suffering from.  Don't worry, I emailed my doc and she confirmed this is a normal response to the medicine I'm currently on.  The antibiotic "metro", is likely to intensify neurological symptoms in lyme patients.

The question I've been pondering this week is WHEN the lyme bacteria began affecting my neurological system.  I guess it doesn't matter.  I am still processing the past twenty years of my life.  My entire adult life.

Today both girls were home all day.  I would have loved to have done something with them.  The fall weather makes me want to decorate my house, cook goodies, do a project, play a game.  Instead, I have been sitting on the couch all day barely able to speak let alone hold a conversation.

I'm feeling a bit better at the moment.  My eyes are open, I'm on the computer, I will be thankful for this moment right now.

Lyme seizure's are interesting.  I feel them coming on, I can even hold them off for a bit.  It's like being nauseous.  You feel like you have to puke, but you don't want to puke.  After a while of feeling this way you realize puking would give you relief from the nausea.  So then you WANT to throw up and you sit and wait for your body to do what it's trying to do.  My seizure's don't make me exactly nauseous, maybe dizzy is a better description. But the experience is the same. I want to try and not have one, but after a while of feeling funky, I relax and wait for what is going to come tot come.  I have found that when I let them come they aren't as bad.  When I hold them off, trying to prevent them from happening I end up being over come by a huge seizure.  Wednesday I only had one.  Thursday I had a couple.  Here I sit today and I have been having small ones all day, thus the reason I haven't left the couch.

I am attaching a video of the seizure because I think it's important to educate our community.  If this video catches someones attention enough so that they want to learn more then having the seizure is worth it.  We are in the middle of an epidemic so large I consider it a national crisis.  Our government is ignoring the sickest of the sick in our country.  My initial lyme test came back negative, that doesn't mean I don't have lyme.  Our state just passed a law mandating that patients are informed of this when receiving a negative result on a lyme test. Despite this law, which was passed in June, I have had a doctor look me in the eye and say, "You DON'T have lyme".  If I don't have lyme then why am I having seizure's due to the antibiotics?

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