Monday, October 14, 2013

Laughing so hard I pulled a muscle in my gut!

I had a GREAT weekend!  So great that I wanted to blog about it yesterday, but I was to tired!

First, I had to share that with the generosity of others I have my first doctor's appointment completely paid for!  Praise God!  Please pray that either through our own income, or through donations, we can pay for the blood work I want to have done that isn't covered by insurance.  Or, pray that blood work covered through insurance will provide enough evidence for a diagnosis.  Either way, I am always on pins and needles about being covered by my disability insurance. I have about five months left that is available to me and I am approved through November 15th.  They will reevaluate on the 15th to decide if they will extend it further.

Now I can talk about my weekend!  Scott and I decided we could see us in the future, traveling around the country talking about JUUVA.  We enjoyed the time we spent with each other in the vehicle as we traveled to Massachusetts.   We both love to travel.  We also love sharing with others what we are passionate about. For us it is martial arts AND Juuva.  This weekend we got to share both!  We visited a former student and old friend whom we have missed having in the area.  We were sad when the family left, but have been proud to watch them continue their martial arts training.  Needless to say, both she and her son have proven to be as talented and dedicated as I knew they were!  I can't wait to work together with them in the future, when I'm training again, on XMA and demo team!  Until then I am happy to share the advantage having our products gives the martial artist when it comes to strength, balance and flexibility!  It is so fun to share this advantage with others who understand it and get as excited about it as we are!  Can't wait to go back!  Oh, and having some gluten free, home made thai food waiting for us after the long ride was pretty great as well!  YUM!

After a great afternoon, Scott and I returned to Portland in time to catch the end of our monthly Juuva Seminar.  I haven't been able to socialize with our Juuva Team Extreme friends for a long time.  They were all just as on fire after the seminar in Utah as my husband was.  By now my body was "all done" and I was confined to my wheel chair.  That was ok with me.  I had managed to walk and get around rather normally all day.  I wasn't surprised to have my arms and legs decide to become uncooperative.  A month ago all it took was an outing to town to become this symptomatic.

I love it when you learn something new.  Saturday night I learned that I was becoming sicker then I realized last spring.  The Juuva products were helping me to function normally.  I truly believe, with my whole heart, that God introduced me to these products at the right time.  Last winter I was starting to really struggle.  If I hadn't started using these products I would have been home on disability before summer started.  If this had happened, I never would have crossed paths with a new coworker who saw my symptoms and had enough knowledge about lyme to point me in the right direction.  Actually, she didn't point, she pushed, pulled and drug me in the direction of lyme.  If it wasn't for her I would be home right now thinking I was insane.  I would have been scared and feeling hopeless.  I also would have been to sick to get online to do my own research.  My stint off the galaxy showed me how sick I could be.

I already knew this, but I was reminded of it when I told my friends how much of the Revive and Zing I was using a day.  Apparently, most normal human beings would have been awake for a week taking that much of the energy products we sell.  Don't worry, the products are all natural and good for you.  I never took more then the maximum recommended dose.   I was shocked at the surprise on everyone's face when I mentioned how much I use to use and they were shocked that I was serious!  I laughed so hard as the story spread from table to table and people continued to respond with shock.  I laughed so hard I pulled a muscle in my stomach!  It felt so good to laugh like that!

So, I am still taking two doses of the galaxy.  I still need only one nap during the day most days.  I have more endurance when I'm up and around before my body gives out.  Unfortunately, I still can over do it and pay the consequences for a few days afterwards.  I haven't taken the Revive since I stopped working.  I can't wait to see how I feel when I'm better!  One thing's for sure, the Revive will last a lot longer!

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