Wednesday, September 18, 2013

It's a good day! I think my body has a split personality...

My Physical Therapist (PT) suggested I give my legs different names.  They each have their own unique personalities at the moment.  I also think my legs either are bi-polar or have multiple personalities.  Not only are they not behaving the same, but they can't decide how intensely they want to display their behaviors from day to day.  If that's not enough, my arms have decided they want in on the action.  My arms take turns as far as which one will misbehave on any given day.

Maybe you can help me name my four limbs with their unique personalities.

My legs are like fraternal twins.  My right leg is numb all the time.  When I walk I feel like I'm wearing a shoe with a lift in it because I can't gauge how much pressure I'm putting on that foot.  Sometimes the numbness goes all the way up to my knees.  It's pretty annoying.  I can walk on it for awhile, but it quickly becomes very uncomfortable.  My left leg has become a weakling.  It feels normal, but doing leg lifts in PT is super difficult.  Sometimes I can do my exercises, I just struggle more with that leg.  Sometimes I can't even lift the leg a few inches.

My arms have the same symptoms. They are more like identical twins.  What my arms do is take turns being the "sick" one.  My muscles in my shoulder get tight which leaves my arms feeling heavy.  Slowly the muscle tightness and burning moves down my arms and into my hands and fingers making it difficult to use them.

So if all that isn't fun enough, my body gets even more funky when I over do it.  It's like my brain loses the ability to communicate with my arms and legs.  I will want to move in a certain way, but my limbs just don't respond. And then there is what my girls call my "tyrannosaurs arms".  My arms lock up in a bent position close to my body and I need help bringing them down to a relaxed, more normal looking position.  Sometimes they lock up fast.  Sometimes it's a slower process where they flare around a bit as I work to control them.

The past two days were BAD days.  I was tired from the moment I woke up.  Monday I couldn't do anything in PT.  I actually don't remember Monday much at all.  I do remember trying to help with the dishes and supper on Monday and my arms locked up.  My girls helped bring my arms down, and then once they were down I was unable to control any movement.  Chelsea had to help me get back in bed.  Good Times.

Tuesday started out with me locking up while trying to fry an egg.  My legs decided they would join in on the fun and also stopped working.  The girls helped me get back to my room and literally rolled me into the bed. Once Scott got me propped up on pillows I decided I'd just hang out in bed the rest of the day.

And then there was today!  I woke up tired, so I started out slow.  As the morning progressed I started feeling better.  By the time I go to PT at eleven I was actually feeling really good!  I had a great session, even had weights on my legs!  I also WALKED out of there without assistance afterwards!  I needed a nap, of course, but then when I woke up I was able to visit with a friend without my crazy arms waving around.  I only locked up into my "Tyrannosaurus Arms" once and that was when I was laughing.

I love today.  I am clear headed, and I feel strong.  I went downstairs and "helped" with forms.  I got up and down off the mats with out having to think about it.  My legs ALMOST felt normal!  I felt like I could do forms myself! (I didn't, that probably wouldn't have ended well).  Scott had to help me get upstairs, but mostly for balance reasons, I made it up the stairs with my own strength.  I'm sitting here now typing and only my upper arms hurt today.  YAY!

Don't you find it weird?  I do.  I was literally bed ridden yesterday, and today feeling almost normal.  (I still get tired easy).

I'm HOPING it's because I'm taking two shots of Galaxy a day.  Galaxy is a nutritional supplement that is full of super fruits and super foods.  It is the reason I no longer have joint pain.  I use to be a runner, but had to stop running in my late teens because of knee pain. That knee pain spread to my elbows, wrists and fingers. I started taking Galaxy this spring and within a month found I no longer had joint pain!  It was GREAT!  I really felt good enough to run again.  Unfortunately, these neurological symptoms have put a monkey wrench in that plan.  Fingers crossed, taking a shot of it twice a day may help!  My husband is using me as a science experiment.  Our hypothesis is that the Galaxy will increase my endurance.  My symptoms get worse with fatigue.  It doesn't take much to make me tired.  If I can go longer before the fatigue sets in that would be so great!  It's been a few days, but today I have been able to put out more energy without having the neurological symptoms knocking me down.  I've had a couple of naps today, but when I'm awake I feel really good.  I wonder what tomorrow will be like!

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