Saturday, March 23, 2013

Out Of The Fog Part 2

My friend and fellow business owner Marjorie Earl sent me a message about a product that she had discovered that had been the answer to her husband's sixteen years of sciatic nerve pain.  Knowing what a burden that had been on Steve I was interested in checking this out.  Hey, I couldn't take anything but prescription pain meds now, I was willing to try anything!

We down together on a Saturday, before a sword training/workout we had planned.  I was struggling with pain that afternoon and actually was wishing I didn't have to talk to anyone, not because I wasn't interested, but because I knew the pain was going to get worse and I wanted to get the training done before that happened.

I sat there, in a fog, only hearing bits and pieces of what was being explained to me.  It sounded interesting, and I could see Scott's interest was perked.  I took the anion emitter from steve and tried it on my shoulder where the pain was localized.  I was thinking, "I'm interested, I wish we could just do this conversation again later when I'm not in pain".   When you struggle with pain you become very self protective.  EVERYTHING you do is about managing the pain.  I had a workout that NEEDED to happen, I felt myself slowly getting to the point where training that afternoon was becoming less of an option.

As I placed the emitter over the source of my pain I began to feel a tingling and warm sensation.  Within minutes I became more focused on the conversation that was happening.  I quickly realized that the pain was diminishing.  Without hesitation I told Wade, the guy explaining to products to us that we were really interested, and that I may even be interested in marketing these products.  It was that dramatic of a moment for me.  My husband and I spent our grocery money and bought an emitter and energy cup that night.  We figured me being pain free was worth eating mac and cheese for the week!  It was a decision we don't regret.

As I did my sword workout it was so strange to experience using this weapon without pain.  (yes, the pain diminished to the point of being almost completely gone).  I associate movement in my upper body with pain.  It was like my arms were numb.  It was a heavy realization for me as to how much pain I had been living with and not knowing it!  The sword would swing from location A to location B and I would be surprised with the ease it was on my part to move it!  Is this how pain free feels?  YES!

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