Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I'm and addict! ............. to synthetic caffeine

I am so excited to receive my next shipment of products from Juuva!  My husband and I wanted to experience the individual effects of each product so we have been introducing them to our systems one at a time.

Due to the fact that our overall feeling of wellness has been better due to the anion emitter and energy cup, I wanted to completely cut out coffee from my diet.  I also was looking for something that would give me an energy boost in the evenings after work.  I work nine hours a day at an intense job with few to no breaks.  I then come home from work and put on my second persona for my other job as a martial arts school owner.  I use the remainder of my energy teaching classes or doing the behind the scenes responsibilities that go along with running a business.  This doesn't even touch my responsibilities as a wife and mother!

My dilemma is having the stamina to work out on top of all my other responsibilities.  Thus, my decision to try ZING next on my list of Juuva products to experience.

Zing is a beverage that can be used to replace the energy drinks that we spend so much on and truthfully are so bad for us!  At a dollar a serving it is not only a healthier choice, but a more economical one as well!

Zing provides energy that lasts for hours without causing jitters and the inevitable crash.  It utilizes natural caffeine instead of synthetic caffeine which is in most of the beverages we drink when looking for a pick me up.

Synthetic caffeine will absorb through the digestive system much faster then the naturally occuring plant caffeine.  It gives you a quicker spike, but you also will get a quicker crash.

Natural caffeine provides a balanced caffeine pick me up due to it's naturally occurring vitamins that prevent the caffeine crash.  Whenever you see caffeine listed on a label you know it is synthetic caffeine.  If a product contains naturally occurring caffeine they will list the plant source as the ingredient instead of stating "caffeine".

We have all heard of the potential benefits from consuming caffeine. Please note, these benefits don't come from synthetic caffeine, only the naturally occurring kind.

ZING not only contains natural caffeine but it is fortified with essential vitamins, critical amino acids, and oxygenating enzymes.  It provides the fuel your body needs for optimal performance.

So, are curious about my experience with it?

Well, first of all, it actually tastes really good!  I actually enjoy drinking it just for the taste.

My one and only negative was that I didn't get the quick pick me up I'm accustamed to.  Did I say that was a negative?  I did, but I think the fact it is a negative for me is due to the fact I have an addiction to the pick me up I receive from synthetic caffeine products.

The first night I tried Zing I didn't feel like it was doing enough to prepare me to have enough energy for class.  Within twenty minutes I made another one and drank it.  BIG MISTAKE!

Before I knew it I was feeling more and more awake and alert. It came on slow, but held on strong!  Hours later I was still awake and alert.  Normally this is a good thing, but NOT at nine oclock at night!  Won't do that again!

Over all I am a fan of this drink.  I am attempting to adjust my ingrained expectations that energy drink should equal quick pick me up.  It has been an easy expectation to adjust because I am so excited about how long I'm feeling energized! Along with how long the energy lasts, not having that crash has been more incentive to continue to drink this product.  That crash always causes me to need more synthetic caffeine just to function, I don't want to be dependent on caffeine to get through my day.

The last great thing I have noticed with this drink is that I feel healthier and hydrated when I drink it.  Coffee or soda dehydrates you.  Where I need the extra energy to work out it is important the source of that energy is a source that will help in improving my health instead of being counter intuitive!

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