Sunday, March 31, 2013


I am constantly amazed by the difference in my life since I began using products from Juuva.

I am amazed at the lack of knowledge or understanding in our country on health principles that are simple and easily demonstrated through the personal testimonies of so many individuals who have benefited from stepping out of the crowd and being willing to take a risk in being open to a different way of thinking.

I am amazed that in a society that outwardly promotes independent thinking, it is full of people who are trapped in the box, sticking with the crowd, afraid to challenge ideas.

I am amazed that we have a medical system that is so focused on pills and surgeries.

I am amazed that most medical research is backed by drug companies.  Drug companies don't want to find a cure.  If a cure was found then they would no longer be able to sell you pills.  Pills is how they make money.

I am amazed that God blessed me with a friend who found a solution to my pain.

I am amazed that my husband is no longer walking around in a fog: aches, pains, headaches, exhaustion, lack of motivation, lack of enjoyment in life.  I am amazed every time I look at him now as he functions like he did sixteen years ago when we first met.

I am amazed that I can be exhausted after a long day, drink a cup of energy water and all of a sudden have the stamina I need to do housework and cook supper.

I am amazed over little things.  This morning I was full of energy when working with the children in church. I was able to smile and greet people without having to pretend I was happy to be there.  Yes, I said pretend, when you are tired and in pain you don't actually enjoy being in public around other people.

I am amazed that I can get sick, but only be sick for a day or two.  It seems the days of being sick for weeks at a time may be behind me. Even when I am sick I am able to function.  Even when sick I haven't had to take any medicine!  Headache, tummy ache, body aches, I had them this weekend but didn't take anything.  Can I promise that for everyone?  I don't know.  What I do know is how I feel, and I can share that with you.

I am amazed you haven't asked me to show you what has changed my life!


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I'm and addict! ............. to synthetic caffeine

I am so excited to receive my next shipment of products from Juuva!  My husband and I wanted to experience the individual effects of each product so we have been introducing them to our systems one at a time.

Due to the fact that our overall feeling of wellness has been better due to the anion emitter and energy cup, I wanted to completely cut out coffee from my diet.  I also was looking for something that would give me an energy boost in the evenings after work.  I work nine hours a day at an intense job with few to no breaks.  I then come home from work and put on my second persona for my other job as a martial arts school owner.  I use the remainder of my energy teaching classes or doing the behind the scenes responsibilities that go along with running a business.  This doesn't even touch my responsibilities as a wife and mother!

My dilemma is having the stamina to work out on top of all my other responsibilities.  Thus, my decision to try ZING next on my list of Juuva products to experience.

Zing is a beverage that can be used to replace the energy drinks that we spend so much on and truthfully are so bad for us!  At a dollar a serving it is not only a healthier choice, but a more economical one as well!

Zing provides energy that lasts for hours without causing jitters and the inevitable crash.  It utilizes natural caffeine instead of synthetic caffeine which is in most of the beverages we drink when looking for a pick me up.

Synthetic caffeine will absorb through the digestive system much faster then the naturally occuring plant caffeine.  It gives you a quicker spike, but you also will get a quicker crash.

Natural caffeine provides a balanced caffeine pick me up due to it's naturally occurring vitamins that prevent the caffeine crash.  Whenever you see caffeine listed on a label you know it is synthetic caffeine.  If a product contains naturally occurring caffeine they will list the plant source as the ingredient instead of stating "caffeine".

We have all heard of the potential benefits from consuming caffeine. Please note, these benefits don't come from synthetic caffeine, only the naturally occurring kind.

ZING not only contains natural caffeine but it is fortified with essential vitamins, critical amino acids, and oxygenating enzymes.  It provides the fuel your body needs for optimal performance.

So, are curious about my experience with it?

Well, first of all, it actually tastes really good!  I actually enjoy drinking it just for the taste.

My one and only negative was that I didn't get the quick pick me up I'm accustamed to.  Did I say that was a negative?  I did, but I think the fact it is a negative for me is due to the fact I have an addiction to the pick me up I receive from synthetic caffeine products.

The first night I tried Zing I didn't feel like it was doing enough to prepare me to have enough energy for class.  Within twenty minutes I made another one and drank it.  BIG MISTAKE!

Before I knew it I was feeling more and more awake and alert. It came on slow, but held on strong!  Hours later I was still awake and alert.  Normally this is a good thing, but NOT at nine oclock at night!  Won't do that again!

Over all I am a fan of this drink.  I am attempting to adjust my ingrained expectations that energy drink should equal quick pick me up.  It has been an easy expectation to adjust because I am so excited about how long I'm feeling energized! Along with how long the energy lasts, not having that crash has been more incentive to continue to drink this product.  That crash always causes me to need more synthetic caffeine just to function, I don't want to be dependent on caffeine to get through my day.

The last great thing I have noticed with this drink is that I feel healthier and hydrated when I drink it.  Coffee or soda dehydrates you.  Where I need the extra energy to work out it is important the source of that energy is a source that will help in improving my health instead of being counter intuitive!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Out of the Fog part 3

If you haven't read the previous two blogs, here's a brief synopsis....

I was in pain.... a lot of pain.  My friend told me about the anion emitter and energy cup.  I used them.  I'm no longer in pain.  Enough said.

Seriously, I was so excited to be pain free!  It felt like a miracle!

After the initial excitement I, of course, began to doubt it.  So, I tested the emitter out.  I would stop using it and let my pain come back to a certain degree and then start using the emitter again.  Time and time again the emitter worked better then a heating pad did on relieving my pain.  It didn't take me long to truly trust the emitter was the reason I was feeling so good!

It wasn't just relieving my pain either.  I was benefiting in other ways.

I would get sick, but it would only last a day or two.
I could be tired for various reasons, BUT I would remain clear headed and able to function!  In fact, I found that in general I was more focused and calmer.
I found I was stronger and had more endurance.  So much so that I'll have to blog more about that at a later time.
I, in general, had more energy.  Don't worry, I'm just doing more I guess I still have to work on time management and not over doing it.  Negative ions or not, no on is invincible! 

Don't get me wrong, there are times that I still may feel under the weather, or have the start of a headache.  I still have cervical stenosis.  I still am exposed to germs. I'm still a women and have pms. (shhh, don't tell anyone I mentioned that)  I still work hard and get tired.  What I'm finding, though, is that if I stop myself and reach for the energy cup before reaching for the pill bottle I am able to find relief from drinking the energy water. 

Sometimes I think popping pills is just a habit.  Seriously, how quick and easy it is to pop some Advil and keep going.  

My husband use to be tired and achy all the time.  It was part of his morning routine to take some aleve with his coffee.  He no longer does this, but drinks his energy water instead.  This week he started feeling yucky like he use to.  He expressed frustration over this and began to doubt the long term positive effects of these products.  Then it occurred to us, it's been a month.  It was time to clean the filters in the cup.  He did this and was feeling better again the next day.  I don't know how many times over this weekend he has expressed amazement over how well the energy water and pen are helping him!  The three days of not feeling well were a hard reminder of what our lives were like before we took control of our health.  We NEVER want to feel that way again!

I look at those of you around me who are in pain, weak, sick, or tired.  It feels like I have stepped out of a bubble and am now living in the real world.  I look at you who are not feeling healthy and it's as though you are stuck in a smog.  I want to help you out of that smog so you can join me in truly enjoying life!  

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Out Of The Fog Part 2

My friend and fellow business owner Marjorie Earl sent me a message about a product that she had discovered that had been the answer to her husband's sixteen years of sciatic nerve pain.  Knowing what a burden that had been on Steve I was interested in checking this out.  Hey, I couldn't take anything but prescription pain meds now, I was willing to try anything!

We down together on a Saturday, before a sword training/workout we had planned.  I was struggling with pain that afternoon and actually was wishing I didn't have to talk to anyone, not because I wasn't interested, but because I knew the pain was going to get worse and I wanted to get the training done before that happened.

I sat there, in a fog, only hearing bits and pieces of what was being explained to me.  It sounded interesting, and I could see Scott's interest was perked.  I took the anion emitter from steve and tried it on my shoulder where the pain was localized.  I was thinking, "I'm interested, I wish we could just do this conversation again later when I'm not in pain".   When you struggle with pain you become very self protective.  EVERYTHING you do is about managing the pain.  I had a workout that NEEDED to happen, I felt myself slowly getting to the point where training that afternoon was becoming less of an option.

As I placed the emitter over the source of my pain I began to feel a tingling and warm sensation.  Within minutes I became more focused on the conversation that was happening.  I quickly realized that the pain was diminishing.  Without hesitation I told Wade, the guy explaining to products to us that we were really interested, and that I may even be interested in marketing these products.  It was that dramatic of a moment for me.  My husband and I spent our grocery money and bought an emitter and energy cup that night.  We figured me being pain free was worth eating mac and cheese for the week!  It was a decision we don't regret.

As I did my sword workout it was so strange to experience using this weapon without pain.  (yes, the pain diminished to the point of being almost completely gone).  I associate movement in my upper body with pain.  It was like my arms were numb.  It was a heavy realization for me as to how much pain I had been living with and not knowing it!  The sword would swing from location A to location B and I would be surprised with the ease it was on my part to move it!  Is this how pain free feels?  YES!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Out of the Fog

Many of you reading this have been watching me post or talk about the excitement I have over a new company and new products I'm now using!  I thought I would start a new blog in order to focus my conversation on this part of my life in one spot.

I will be blogging often on the products, the business, health, network marketing and my life in regards to how Juuva is benefiting me!

I am going to use this first blog to just explain WHY I'm so excited!

I'm Out Of The Fog!
Now, let me preference, I started to come out of the fog when I stopped eating gluten.   Before I cut gluten out of my diet I couldn't get out of my own way.  I'll use the pain scale often used in doctors offices to explain.  Before going gluten free my discomfort and ability to function was at a 2.  No, I'm not exaggerating.  Doing my needed activities, work and self-care, were all I had energy for.  My migraines were intense and often.  I was sluggish, unable to concentrate, and over all feeling depressed.  (I was depressed due to how horrible I felt!).  I often would look around me at others fully enjoying life and wondered what that would be like.  I resolved that God had intended for me to suffer like this for a reason and I just had to do the best I could with what I had.  I would find comfort in Paul and the affliction God wouldn't take away from him. 

When I went gluten free my comfort level was lifted to a 6!  My headaches became non-exsistent, I had an increase in clarity of thought and my energy level improved!  I did not see improvement in my bodies immunity, and although my energy was increased, I still needed my POT of coffee a day!  I also was zapped enough with all I did throughout the day that I struggled to find time or ambition to work out.  Also, although my headaches improved and a lot of my aches and pains were gone, I still had significant pain that I knew was due to arthritis.  I didn't expect to ever find relief from that, and I was so happy to not have headaches anymore.  I set goals to help motivate me to make exercise a priority.

Then it happened, I had a major injury at work.  I was taken to the hospital on a stretcher.  CAT scans revealed that I had an underlining condition that had been compounded by the neck injury I had just suffered.  I had cervical stenosis, bone spurs and vertebrate issues.  Basically I had the spinal column of a 50+ year old!  I was informed it was degenerative and that physical therapy could help me strengthen my muscles to help slow down the inevitable process of my neck and spine slowly worsening.

YAY, just the news I needed, especially with the fact I was trying to prepare to test for my 4th degree black belt.  I set new goals, and resolved I would overcome this.

The pain was daily, and severe.  My headaches returned.  I took a prescription level of ibuprofen just to function at work.  My twice a week theraputic massage and unltrasound treatments helped in giving me brief relief, I did find some improvement in my pain level which was encouraging. 

And then it happened.....

I got really sick, finally I was hospitalized and discovered I had ulcers.  After testing it was concluded that the ulcers were due to the amount of ibuprofen and Excedrin I was taking.  It didn't help that apparently I had a hernia as well.  I was told I couldn't use the pain meds anymore and was prescribed muscle relaxers. 

Well, what little improvement I thought I had achieved quickly disappeared.  I was back to where I started.  I couldn't barely function without meds, but I couldn't function WITH the med options left for me.  I began to give up on testing for fourth degree and I seriously wondered how long I would be able to continue to hold a job.

Then my friend sent me a message with a possible answer..............
I will continue this testament in my next blog.