Monday, December 9, 2013

a pollutant you may not have thought about

One of the top things Lyme patients spend time focusing on is detoxing. As you enter the Lyme world you are quick to learn the importance of ridding your body of unwanted substances.  We stop eating gluten and sugar.  We worry about mold and heavy metal toxins in our bodies.  There are many reasons for this, but that isn't the focus of my blog today.

I am noticing that there is little discussion in the lyme world on EMF's and how over exposure can cause headaches, pain,  increase the risk for cancer, and cause an abundance of free radicals.

Even before I knew I had lyme I learned that by protecting myself from EMF exposure I had a decrease in symptoms.  

 The National Council of Radiation Protection and Measurement declared that 2 mG is the maximum amount of EMFs that the human body can handle at any one exposure. 

You probably think of this when it comes to microwave ovens that put out 200mg's, but did you know that the blender you use to make those healthy smoothies puts out 220mg's?  Your cell phone that you probably spend a lot of time on staying connected to the world puts out 100mg's.  Your computer puts out 20 and your tablet puts out 10, still well above the recommended 2mgs. 

"When exposed to man-made frequencies, our body absorbs and stores such energy fields. These are unnatural and chaotic electromagnetic fields such as microwaves. It can weaken our immune system and ultimately lead to illness." ~JUUVA fact sheet

In this electrical age we are surrounded by electrical currents that our bodies are absorbing.

Think about it, our bodies are made up mostly of water, we are a perfect conductor for electricity.  If you want to go further, to the molecular level, we are made up of atoms, so not only do we conduct electricity, we are basically an electrically charged being!  

We want to keep our body in balance.  The electrical appliances we surround ourselves with put out positive ions.  Positive ions are BAD, they're free radicals and they harm our bodies.  

Here's a list of the harm they can cause:
  • constrict blood vessels
  • increase blood pressure
  • increase blood acidity
  • weaken bones
  • suppress urination
  • decrease nitrogen in urine
  • make breathing more difficult
  • increase pulse rate
  • impair heart function
  • prolong physical recovery
  • tense and strain the nervous system
  • suppress and delay growth
Are you ready to go live in the middle of the woods yet?  It might be a good idea, the woods will have an abundance of negative ions.  Negative ions are GOOD for you!  You can find them in nature, at the ocean, after a thunderstorm, next to a your home you can find negative ions in your hot shower! Negative ions help neutralize positive ions. 
Negative ions:
  • Dilate blood vessels
  • stabilize blood pressure
  • increase blood alkalinity
  • strengthen bones
  • promote urination
  • increase nitrogen in urine
  • stabilize respiration
  • decrease pulse rate
  • enhance heart function
  • speed physical recovery
  • calm and relax nerves
  • promote healthy growth
 Don't worry, you don't have to move to the wilderness.  I have found a way to protect myself and my family.  

All of our dangerous devices have a cation shield.  So when I stand in front of my blender, making a super healthy smoothie, I'm not worried about the EMF's being produced.   My father-in-law put one on his cell phone, which he carries in his pants pocket, and discovered relief from leg pain that he had been suffering from.  I no longer get headaches when I'm using my laptop.  

I also wear an anion emitter.  The one I use is from a company called JUUVA.  JUUVA's emitter is the strongest on the market, putting out 2,000 negative ions per linear inch, a total of 10,000 negative ions.  Juuva's emitter is also the best priced on the market.  Now, you can get emitters cheap on amazon, I tried one, they don't work nearly as well.  My symptoms are severe, in fact on a bad day I use two or three emitters.  I no longer take pain meds, and only take a muscle relaxer occasionally.  Not only does this dramatically decrease my headaches, and my muscle pain, but it provides me energy and an over all sense of well being.  Don't get me wrong, I still have bad days where I literally feel like I'm dying, but I don't think my bad days are as bad as some of the days I see others in the lyme community talking about.  Honestly, most days I feel relatively good, my complaint is that my body doesn't work.  Nothing is more frustrating then feeling like doing things, but not being able to stand on my two feet long enough to accomplish anything.  Negative Ions aren't a cure for lyme, but they sure do help!

Yes, I do distribute JUUVA products.  So, don't take my word for it, listen to Myrtle. Myrtle is a sweet lady who is 104 years old and feels she has been left on this earth to help people. Take a minute to listen to this sweet lady from New Hampshire.  

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