Friday, June 21, 2013

relief from allergies thanks to negative ions

So, when I purchased the anion emitter I did a lot of research.  One of the things I discovered it that there have been numerous studies on the benefits of negative ions in regards to allergy relief.  I made a mental note of this information, but didn't focus on it when discussing the emitter because I hadn't personally experienced this for myself.  (it was winter and not typically when I suffer from allergies).

I first personally witnessed someone find relief when my daughter had an allergy attack.  Her eyes were red, swollen and itchy.  She was down right miserable.  If you have had this happen to you then you understand.  I thought; Hey, why not try the emitter?  So, I had her hold the emitter to the corner of her eye.  She felt relief instantly, and within minutes she was completely recovered.  We were both pretty shocked and surprised.

Last month I was reminded again that the emitter can relieve allergy symptoms.  I was doing a major spring cleaning.  Usually when cleaning as I was I need to take multiple breaks due to how severe my allergies are.  I inevitably give in and take a claritin.  I hate doing this because it makes me drowsy.  (yes, I know it is marketed as non-drowsy, but even non-drowsy medicine makes me tired.).  So, this cleaning session was intense.  As I was cleaning out my closet my husband commented that I had been cleaning non-stop for hours.  I laughed and responded that it was because of all the energy I had from all my JUUVA products.  (Which was true).  As I contemplated this, I remembered that usually I couldn't clean for this long due to my allergies, not due to fatigue.  This realization literally sat me back and caused me to have to recover from the surprise and shock!  I had never in my life been able to clean this intensely and not suffer horribly from allergies.  I had been using the emitter and seeing the benefits for months, but I still couldn't believe it.

I had to test this out.

I took the emitter off and continued cleaning.  I was ok for awhile, but slowly I felt the allergy symptoms creeping up.  I let it go until my eyes became too itchy for me to continue.  I then put my emitter back on, and borrowed my husbands emitter to use on my eyes.  Within minutes I experienced what my daughter had experienced relief.

As the summer has begun I have felt mild allergy symptoms.  It hasn't gotten to the point where I have been really bothered by them or felt sick or needing to take anything.  You'd think I'd realize it was the emitter.  Instead I have been sitting here waiting for it to get bad like I know it usually does.  It wasn't until two night ago I realized how much the emitter has been helping.

One of my adult students looked like she was crying in class.  I asked if she felt all right and she said she was struggling with allergies.  Remembering how the emitter had helped with itchy eyes, I gave it to her.  She clipped it on and within a minute told me that she instantly felt relief from her headache.  A couple minutes later she reported to me that her sinus pressure was disappearing.  Apparently, that it was it took for me to really understand how much the emitter is helping with my allergies.  Usually this time of year I'm pretty miserable.  Instead, I have had only mild symptoms.  I have to attribute it to the emitter!

If you are an allergy sufferer, how much do you spend on allergy medicine?
Contact me if you want more information on the anion emitter which is an all natural, chemical free solution!

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