Sunday, June 16, 2013

cancer caused by cell phones?

I don't know if you've noticed, but there have been numerous news stories in recent weeks concerning the EMF's put out by cell phones and the correlation between cell phones and cancerous tumors.

I have a doctor friend who believes quite firmly that today is very similar to the 50's when people first started associating cancer to cigarette smoking.  The cigarette companies called it junk science.  They put out numerous "scientific reports/studies" showing that cigarette smoke was perfectly safe.

How do you think that played out?

It is common knowledge that there is a direct link between cancer and cigarettes.  The cigarette companies are now required by law to put health warnings on all cigarette packages. We look back to that era where cigarette smoking was considered perfectly safe and quietly laugh at how far medical science has come.

I predict that sixty years from now society will look back at us and how careless we are with how much we expose ourselves and our children to the EMF's put out by cell phones. They will silently laugh at our ignorance.  We think we are so scientifically advanced, while our advancements are slowly causing us more harm then good. Not only this, but I'm sure you have noticed the number of toddlers who are using ipads and tablets for hours at a time.  The schools even give our teens laptops which they use for hours a day!  There is no way to know or predict the long term damage we are causing because this technology is so new!  Not only does it seem that cancer rates in children are increasing, but I wonder if there is a correlation between EMF's and the increase in rates of autism and other mental health diagnosis's.

The national council of radiation protection recommends no more then 2mg's of EMF per exposure.
So, if we are only allowed 2mg's, how many are we exposing ourselves to?

Computers:  20mG's
Cell Phone:  100mG's
Hair Dryer:  200mG's
Tablet:         10Mg's
Microwave: 200Mg's
Router:        100Mg's
TV:             100Mg's
Vacuum:     300Mg's
Printer:        100Mg's

I think you get the idea.  I wonder what the cancer rate was before the invention of electricity!

Guess what?!

I am not writing to tell you that you need to move to the backwoods and live without modern conveniences.  What I am wanting to share with you is that technology exists that can shield you from the EMF's your cell phone, along with other electronic devices, puts out.  I can demonstrate to you in person that this technology works and is simple to use!

Think about it.  Why, when science is advancing at such a fast rate is it that we are dealing with an epidemic in various health issues?

Hmm...... that computer, your microwave, hairdryer, blender....they all produce more EMF's then recommended to be safe for our bodies to be exposed to. Ignoring this information is the same as the individuals sixty years ago who warned the early heeding that smoking was dangerous.

Do some research on your own. Other countries don't allow children under the age of 18 to even use cell phones! That's right!  Just because we live in the U.S. doesn't mean we are as advanced as other areas of our world when it comes to science.  We can't deny the fact that much of our medical research is funded by companies that have a financial interest in a certain outcome.

Let us show you personally that you can use your favorite electronics safely!  That you can put your cell phone in your pocket or bra strap without fear of developing breast cancer or prostate cancer as a direct result to the EMF exposure.

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