Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Next Chapter, Steps to Healing

Just an FYI: my ability to read and edit what I write is difficult.  So excuse grammar or spelling errors!

I have been aggressively treating chronic lyme, babesia and bartenella for over two and a half years.  I knew it would be a long journey, but what has been most difficult is having patience and faith through the slow improvements that are coupled with huge set-backs.  When I don't improve at a steady rate I feel like I'm fooling myself and maybe I'm not really any better.  I know this isn't true, but where I live with this disease so publicly, set backs feel like failures.  

Part of the problem is my own impatience.  I start to feel better and I push myself till I can't push any more.  This always backfires on me and I end up in bed and frustrated.  I'm blessed to be seeing a new neurological chiropractor in our area. (I will post a link to his website at the end).  He has given me such simple tips that are helping and I am starting to understand how my body works and why it is failing me so badly.  One simple tip is to stop and rest BEFORE I feel tired.  What a concept.  I think I needed someone giving me permission to do this to actually get me to not run myself into the ground.  Once I understood why I should pace myself this way it was easier for me to follow this advice. I have felt so much guilt for not contributing as much to the family and the business as I feel I should be.  Stopping when I still had energy to expend felt selfish.  Now that I understand that I'm killing my endurance by the way I have been utilizing my energy, it's easier to allow myself to rest more often. It's easier because I know that by resting more often now, I will be able to do more for longer periods of time later.  So far so good, my endurance is better.  It's hard sometimes to follow this pattern of going and stopping, and I notice how much more fatigued I am when I push myself harder then I should, but I'm trying to make resting a priority and I am saying 'no' more often.  It stinks, ALOT, having to tell my daughter no, sorry, I can't make it to your track meet because I have to rest to utilize my energy somewhere else. But my eye is on the long term goal of being completely healthy, thankfully my family understands that.

I'm also changing more things in my diet.  There is so much to learn in regards to this.  The change has been on going for me stemming back well before I even knew I had lyme: no gluten, no sugar, less dairy.....ok, maybe LESS sugar, having NO sugar is really hard.  I'm getting there, slowly.  I had my gut bacteria tested, my lyme brain doesn't function well enough for me to even begin to explain that, but needless to say I have basically almost no gut bacteria.  I'm sure my gut was a hot mess before I started treatment and probably one of the factors in my quick decline.  Now, after a couple of years of antibiotics, my microbiome is really messed up.  My body isn't going to be able to do its job and keep the lyme bacteria in check if my immune system isn't working.  So, if I ever have a dream of getting off treatment I need to mend my gut.  I'm now learning all about kiefer, fermented foods, and prebiotics.  These are things that I had a superficial knowledge of, but when in treatment there is so much to learn, and I could only focus on the things most pertinent at the time.  It wasn't until recently that I was able to allow my brain to stretch a little further.  I was only able to learn this new information now because I was ready for this next step in my journey.  

So, right now my biggest goal is to get off antibiotics.  I attempted recently, but only lasted about 10 days. I'm now on a doxycycline pulse with some brief bursts of cist busters.  (Doxi drives lyme into the cist form quickly, so we are blasting those cists to allow the doxi to work) I will attempt to switch to complete herbal treatment again in a few weeks.

I'm treating bartenella herbally with success, I'm herxing which tells us the A-Bart tincture is working. The most exciting news is that I've been off babesia meds for six weeks and am still symptom free!  WooHoo!

Check Out Richard Matthews Site:

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