Monday, August 12, 2013

sales wasn't for me but helping people is

Yes, I am a distributor for a company that uses multi-level marketing as a business model.  I personally hate sales.  I know, I know, I own two businesses, so I am already in sales.  The difference is that with the businesses I already own I offer a service that people seek out.  Sales is easy, all I have to do is make sure there is enough information out there that people can easily find our services.  Then all we have to do is ensure we offer quality service so that people return to us as repeat consumers.

Multi-level sales is different in that we have to convince potential customers that what we have is something they want or need.  In this economy that is difficult.  Thus, the reason I have always shyed away from business opportunities that sell products instead of services.

So, why am I now suddenly in a business that sells products?  Simple, I truly believe that by selling these products I'm offering a SERVICE.

The challenge is that people don't realize this is a service they need.  YES, NEED!

I want to briefly address two topics.  1.) The BUSINESS of JUUVA and 2.) The SERVICE of JUUVA

1) According to Jeff Bracken, a founding distributor and top performer in Juuva,  Juuva is set to be one of the top ten MLM businesses. He is someone who understands business as former regional VP of Pizza Hut, COO or Lonestar Steakhouse Saloon, and Caribbean Diamond Distributor of eXfuse. How would you have liked to have been involved in Avon, Herbalife, Mary Kay, Pampered Chef, Amway, Melalecua, or Tupperware when they first became companies?  How much do you think the people who signed on to these company's in the first year make now?  You have that opportunity with Juuva!

We have the best in the business telling us that Juuva is set up and on it's way to being in the same league as the companies we are familiar with, and we have the opportunity to sign on at the ground level.  This challenge isn't for the fly by night salesmen.  Only the most ambitious minds can truly take this challenge and make something of it!  Being at the ground level means that you hold the task of informing the public of products they have never heard of before and don't know they need!

2) The SERVICE of Juuva is that we are taking on the challenge of informing the public that there are products available that could literally change the lives of those who use them!  These products are so new that we are continually surprised, hearing testimony from consumers of ways their quality of life has been changed by Juuva products!  We are excited as scientists continue to study our products to better understand our bodies response to them!  We are taking what we know about the affects nutrition and our environment have on our bodies to the 21st century.

At first, we became distributors to try and make back the money we were spending on the products for our own use.  As we continued to use, benefit, and learn about the products and the science behind them, we felt a moral obligation to inform others of the benefits we and those around us our experiencing.  Now, I am taking it one step further.  This amazing opportunity has fallen in our laps.  Not only has my family been blessed with the benefits physically, we now look to be blessed financially.

If the pharmaceutical community can commercialize and profit financially off our health, then I think it's time to give them some healthy competition.

I want to use, as much as possible, only holistic means to take care of my bodies needs.  Medicine has it's place, but it isn't the only option for every condition.  Many of the conditions for which we use medication, can be treated through less evasive measures.  Juuva now makes what use to be difficult, easier!  Through many of the Juuva products, I can protect my body from many of the harmful elements in our environment, and also easily provide for my body nutritionally in a way that I didn't have the time or money for. 

Call us!  We would love for you either to 1) see improvement to your health and well being,  or  2) Have not only physical benefits, but financial as well!

207-667-5759 /

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