Tuesday, April 9, 2013

We are what we eat...do you know what you're REALLY eating?

I recently watched a documentary called "Hungry For Change".  The reason I watched it is because I am doing research.  Now that I am using the products from Juuva and am feeling so much better, I am curious as to WHY I was feeling so bad before.

What I had learned before watching this documentary was scary enough.  All those fruits and vegetables I had been eating, thinking I was doing something great for my body....WRONG!

The worst enemy to our produce is TIME and TEMPERATURE.    Time and Temperature rob our food of the nutrients we THINK we are getting when we eat them.

Those apples, picked thirteen months ago, stored in a facility and pumped with CO2 to keep them looking fresh.
Those bananas, yellow and ripe.  Think again, they were actually picked green and treated with a chemical to make it appear fresh and ripe.  The same applies to those tomatoes you like so much.

Wait! You eat organic, oh, then you're all set?  NOPE.  Remember the enemies of our produce is TIME and TEMPERATURE.  Where was that organic fruit originally grown?  How long did it take to get to your local grocery store?

I know, you could use some vitamins or nutritional supplements.  Don't forget...TIME AND TEMPERATURE!  Make sure you ask at what temperature those items were processed at.  If it is over 117 degrees then all the good stuff went up in smoke.  (figuratively speaking).

And this is just the information I already knew BEFORE watching the documentary.  The documentary promoted juicing.  It is a GREAT idea!  You can get all the variety of fruits and vegetables in all the colors our body needs.

  How hard is it to get a large variety of produce like we need to have all the benefits?  I know it's pretty hard for me!

Wait, TIME and TEMPERATURE.  I need to only juice items grown LOCALLY and ORGANICALLY if I want to benefit NUTRITIONALLY!

 I don't know about you, but there is no way I have time to be that dedicated to my food.  If you are able to do that I think you're AWESOME!  What about us less awesome people though?  What should we do?

I guess we could just keep eating what we're eating, cross our fingers and hope we our the lucky ones who can remain healthy despite what we put into our bodies..or DONT put into our bodies.

I wonder how many lucky people are out there?

Do you realize you could eat 10,000 calories a day, but if you aren't getting what you need nutritionally then you will still feel hungry?  Those of us who are starved for nutrients just keep eating.

We have another enemy; sugar.  The average american eats 150 lbs of sugar a year.  It's America's cocaine. It's addictive and along with artificial sweeteners and msg, food companies our creating addicts to food just like cigarette companies used nicotine to create life long consumers.  You try to save on calories with that diet soda, but the artificial sweeteners in it make you carve carbs.  The average diet soda drinker actually tends to be heavier a few years after they had begun drinking diet soda.

  Sugar is a drug, it kills more people in our country every year then all the other drugs combined.  It's everywhere and in everything.  So, what can you do?

It's simple.  It's a change of mindset.  Just start putting the good stuff in your body.  Don't focus on what you should STOP eating but focus on what you should START eating.  The good stuff will naturally start pushing the bad stuff out of your diet.

You could eat less calories with better nutritional content and feel more satisfied.  We are over fed and under nourished.

Go back to the start of this blog.  It sounds so hard to get truly GOOD food with a high nutritional content, especially in our part of the country where local produce is only available for a short period of time. I have TWO solutions for you.  Here is the one I recommend today.
The Juuva web site tells us: 
Eat your fruits and vegetables. We've heard it our whole lives, but who actually does? Packing in the recommended number of servings each day can be difficult and time consuming. That's why drinking Live everyday is so important - you get the nutritional equivalent of the 5 servings of fruits and vegetables recommended by the USDA.
Live contains:
  • 30 fruits
  • 30 vegetables
  • A wide selection of seeds, nuts, and sprouts - all sourced from premium orchards and gardens harvested during peak conditions
  • Enzymes, fulvic minerals and probiotics
This nutrient dense blend is delivered to you in a convenient stick pack. Just mix with water, sprinkle on yogurt or add it to your morning smoothie for a quick and tasty solution to your body's nutritional demands.
What is special about this product is how it is produced!  The produce is taken from local organic farms and cooked with a process called instafresh.  It takes the food and makes it into a powder BELOW the kill temperature   This means that the powder maintains all of the nutritional elements that you would find if you had just picked it off the vine yourself!
My personal experience is this: I at first was nervous about changing my diet and lifestyle, especially where it would effect my budget.  What I have found is that I feel so much better I don't want to go back to my old way of eating and looking at food.  The investment I have made in my health has reaped the reward of more energy and more time enabling me to get more done!  
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Or call!  667-5759  Ask about preferred customer pricing or how to get products wholesale by becoming a Juuva Member!

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