Friday, April 12, 2013

I want you to have a life changing moment

My life has been dramatically changed.  I don't know about you, but when something exciting and positive happens I want to share it!  I especially want to share it if I think your life could also have the same dramatic transformation!

If fact, what would you think of me if you found out I had knowledge of something that could dramatically transform your life and I DIDN'T share it with you?

When Mrs. Earl first contacted me about this life changing information I'm sure she was nervous.  It's hard to invite someone to do something and be turned down.  It's hard to invite someone to check out a product when you know they're on a budget.  I'm so thankful Mrs. Earl put aside her fears and contacted me.  I'm so glad I used my grocery money to make my first purchase.  It was truly an answer to prayer to finally find relief to my pain.

My husband didn't even realize how bad he felt until he started feeling better.

We will never go back to the way we were.  We consider our Juuva products a priority in our budget.  Now that we feel better we're more productive.  Our precious time is utilized more productively.

I am living outside of the fog.  I invite you to step our of the fog and join me and others who are living in the sunshine!  It feels so good!

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