Monday, May 6, 2013

I'm not crazy, I just am bathing in the negative ions!

I have been having so much fun trying out different products from Juuva!  There are so many benefits to the various products I sometimes forget which product does what because they all do so much!

I have been using a lot of the energy and weight loss products lately, causing me to begin to take for granted the benefits I was receiving from the emitter and energy cup.  Boy was I reminded how amazing those products were this weekend!

Saturday we hosted a tournament.  Tournaments are the perfect migraine storm!  Between the lights in the gym, my blood sugar getting all screwed up from not being able to stick to my eating schedule, to the strain on my neck from sitting in straight back chairs with no head support and standing for long periods of time, I am begging for a migraine!  (I won't get into other factors that had the coincidence of falling this weekend.....ladies...)

I pumped the energy water to me all day on Saturday.  It warded the headache off so that I only was feeling a mild twinge by the end of the tournament.  Pretty good considering usually on days like this I go straight home to bed, only to get up to throw up on occasion.  Not only am I home in bed, it's where I stay for a couple of days until the headache passes.  Instead, on THIS day I was able to come home, change clothes and drive Jenna into the highschool to get ready for an event she was participating in.  Not only did I drive her in I was able to go back and attend the event!  I didn't get home till 9:30 that night!  I did have a mild headache, but nothing that prompted me to take anything for it, I just borrowed Jenna's emitter and slept with two that night!

Sunday morning I woke up and still felt a bit of a twinge.  I had a lot I wanted to do, but I also knew that there are occasions where due to uncontrollable factors, I may have a migraine.  So, I thought, "why not?".  I clipped on a third emitter!  Within ten minutes I was headache free!  Yes! Even during....(ladies, you get it).....YES! No headache!

Not only was I headache free I had more energy then any one person needs.  I was literally bouncing around at the beginning of church like a kid hyped up on to much sugar.  I was in such a good mood I wondered if three emitters were even legal!  After church we had lunch with friends, went hiking, attended a soccer game and then played volleyball that night!  My husband informed me half way through the day I didn't need three pens anymore and made me give his back!  I think I had to much energy for him!  All this during a time I usually can't get out of my own way and only want to sleep!!

So yes, I love the Juuva energy drinks and nutritional supplements, but that emitter still takes the cake when it comes to seeing an immediate difference in how I feel. What's stopping you from checking it out for yourself?